Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Date of Application *Full Legal Name *FirstMiddleLastHow do you prefer to be addressed?Have you ever used any other names? If so, please list and include maiden name.Date of Birth *Address *City, State, Zipcode *Phone Number *Email Address *Preferred Method(s) of Contact *EmailTextPhone CallU.S. MailFormer Address 1 *Please provide the following information for background checks. Volunteers are subject to a background check. Include city, state, and county only.Approximate Length of Residency Selected Value: 0 Value in YearsFormer Address 2Please provide the following information for background checks. Volunteers are subject to a background check. Include city, state, and county only.Approximate Length of Residency Selected Value: 0 Value in YearsEmergency Contact *FirstLastEmergency Contact Phone *Relationship to YouAreas of Interest *Nature StoreEducationHabitat Restoration (Removal of Invasive Species)Maintenance/Trail Work (Weekdays)Maintenance/Trail Work (Weekends)PhotographySpecial EventsMedia/Social Media/WebsiteAnimal Care (Weekdays)Animal Care (Weekends) Please check the opportunities above that interest you.Are you currently employed? *YesNoAre you currently retired? *YesNoName of Current or Last EmployerJob TitlePhone of EmployerMay we contact your past or current employer as a professional reference? *YesNoName of Professional/Personal Reference *Reference Phone Number *Reference Email *Reference AddressReference Relationship to ApplicantAre you a Veteran? *YesNoAre you 16 years of age or older? *YesNoWhat do you hope to accomplish or learn while volunteering with Wildcat Glades Nature Group?What skills and talents can you share with Wildcat Glades Nature Group? Applicant Digital Signature *I certify that the information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements or misrepresentations may result in the rejection of my application, and that failure by me to provide information may prevent me from being considered for certain volunteering activities. I further understand that WGNG owes a duty to the community and to other volunteers to ensure a safe and sound working environment. I therefore authorize WGNG to use the information I have provided to conduct a background investigation, including a criminal record check, and to verify the information by any means. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONSENT FORM Under penalty of perjury, I herewith affirm that my electronic signature, and all future electronic signatures, were signed by myself with full knowledge and consent and am legally bound to these terms and conditions.Date of Signature *Digital Signature of Guardian (If applicant is under 16) *I certify that the information provided on this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that any false statements or misrepresentations may result in the rejection of my application, and that failure by me to provide information may prevent me from being considered for certain volunteering activities. I further understand that WGNG owes a duty to the community and to other volunteers to ensure a safe and sound working environment. I therefore authorize WGNG to use the information I have provided to conduct a background investigation, including a criminal record check, and to verify the information by any means. ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONSENT FORM Under penalty of perjury, I herewith affirm that my electronic signature, and all future electronic signatures, were signed by myself with full knowledge and consent and am legally bound to these terms and conditions.Date of Signature * - I have read the linked volunteer expectations and confidentiality agreement and agree to abide by these conditions. *ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND CONSENT FORM Under penalty of perjury, I herewith affirm that my electronic signature, and all future electronic signatures, were signed by myself with full knowledge and consent and am legally bound to these terms and conditions.Date of Signature *Submit